App Development Cost in 2024: A Definitive Guide and Cost Breakdown


by admin, July 6, 2023

App Development Cost in 2024: A Definitive Guide and Cost Breakdown

Mobile app development market is growing a rapid pace as number of smartphone users crosses 6 billion marks around the world. Every small business to large corporation is now building their own app to expand their reach. They are looking for the best mobile app development company South Carolina to help them with their app solution. However, finding the cost of app development has always been trickier. In this article, we are going to breakdown all the costs associated with app development.  

Factors that Affect Overall Mobile App Development Cost 

1. App Type 

Once you decide to build a mobile app, the first decision you need to take is to select a category. There are many different types of apps and all of them have different cost. Such as social media app, streaming app, business app, utility app and more. Based on the app type, developer can calculate total hours of work which translate to total cost. 

2. App Platform 

Once you select an app category, now it’s time to choose the app platform. Currently, android has the lion share of global smartphone market. However, most people in US and Europe choose iOS over android. Make sure to choose the platform based on your targeted audience and the market. 

If you decided to go with both platforms, you can choose the approach to build those app. With native app platform, we can build both iOS and android separately with using their native language, swift and Java. Cross platform app can build both type of apps with single code base. It can cut the cost and time to market heavily. Most flutter app development company are experts in cross platform applications. 

3. UI/UX

User interface and user experience are need to be our top priority while building an app. These are the first impression user will get when they install the app. An easy-to-use interface provides sleek performance and better experience to the user. 

While UI and UX needs to be better, it also raises the cost significantly. A standard and default UI takes less time to build while custom UI and animations takes more time. Find a middle ground between standard and custom UI to reduce the cost of development. We are trusted UI/UX design agency in South Carolina and can provide you a best solution

4. Features and Complexity 

Choosing the features for your mobile app development should be based on your targeted audience’s need. Developing features for the app has one of the highest costs in development. There are few basic features like navigation, login, chat, push notification and search are easy to build hence cost less. 

However, if you are building an app for specific purpose where you need more than basic features, the cost can get higher. Features like audio/video streaming, payment method, encryption, locations and more takes longer to code. Also, make sure to keep in mind the future needs of your user. If you are planning to build something that requires an advance feature, it’s important that you add it while in development as it will cost less comparatively. 

Types of Development team

There are different ways you can hire a developer to build your app that could impact the total cost of development.  

  • In-house

Big businesses and large corporation who relies heavily on their mobile apps uses their in-house team to build an app. You can hire app developers based on your need and they can build an app for you. One of the advantages of in-house team is that you can update, roll out new features and maintain the app without any extra cost. But establishing an app development unit is expensive. Apart from the salaries and cost of getting high end work stations, there are many different costs associated with it. 

  • Freelancer 

Freelancer are an individual developer you can hire and build your mobile app. You can find them on different websites and they cost less comparing to the in-house team. But it will take longer to build your app and if they don’t have appropriate experience with full life cycle of app development, you can get half cooked app. App development also consist of designing, coding, testing, debugging and more, which cannot be done by one person. 

  • Mobile App Development Company

Hiring a dedicated custom mobile app development company is a lot easier and proven method. They are a team of expert developers who can complete the task in given time within the budget. They can handle every work aspect of app development as they have years of experience with full life cycle of app development. Hiring a best mobile app development company is considerably budget friendly. 

App development companies work remotely and provides constant update to the employer. However, development cost is varied by the location of development company. For Europe, app development charges are $50 to $100 per hour. In south Asia, its $25 to $50 per hours. While in US, the charges are $100 to $250. Make sure to check their portfolio and previous experience before hiring them. 


Finding the right cost of app development is important as there are many different aspects of it. Choosing app development partner based on their hourly rate are not advisable because they might not have sufficient experience like mobile App development company South Carolina. In this era of rapid digitalization, mobile apps become a necessary tool and a future investment. You can hire an experienced and expert team of app developer from LJ Innovate.